Monday, March 26, 2007

Pirate backgrounds

I volunteered to create the backgrounds for a friend's share of another friend's pet project he was doing for a friend of his own. So, I the first friend in the previously mentioned chain of comrades gave me two sheets of thumbnails, 21 in all, as well as two backgrounds she had created before I opted to take over. I modeled the first two backgrounds I created on hers so I could get the style right (although it was right up my alley anyway).


Hers backgrounds:

My backgrounds:

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Palette swap

Another Artificial Environments and Effects assignment: Palette Swap. We were to take the color palette from three different impressionist paintings and replace a singular landscape's color scheme with the three impressionist's palettes.

However, I misheard/misread the directions and instead used three different landscapes to alter a fourth landscape.

Style switch

Here's the assignment that's clogged up my blog: "Style Switch" we were given this photo:

From that, we had to "stylize" the image into being cartoony, gothic, and impressionistic.

I ran out of time on the gothic image and wasn't able to color it. So, I kept intending to color it before I uploaded it to the log, but I only ended up not uploading anything at all.