Thursday, October 30, 2008

UPDATE holy crap

Hey all! I've graduated from UCF with a degree in Digital Media: Visual Language and I've since moved out west to California! I've got an apartment, a job, and I'm stil alive to boot!

So many things going on. Work keeps me busy and I was surprised to find out the average workday in the CG industry is 9am-7pm (bummer).

I trying to decide which "path" I want to try to follow- 3D or 2D, animator or rigger, or Production. All interest me heavily but it's hard finding the time to work on personal stuff for the more art-related fields (animation especially).

Speaking of personal animation I'm in the process (ie, started but shelved due to lack of time) of animating a comic from one of my favorite authors, Kate Beaton. You can read the comic here.

Hopefully I can find the time to finish that up. I'll post the character sheets later too.

I'm also working on webcomics to keep me dedicated to art every day and you can view them here.