Friday, May 14, 2010

Reverse Fan Art

It's been a while, huh? I don't update that often (read:at all) because I rarely draw anything for myself. I feel more motivated to draw other peoples' stuff for whatever reason. Maybe because's there's an impetus to finish. Either way, here is something I drew recently:

I sort of have a comic on the side called "Carzorthade" but I rarely update it. A reader recently wrote and paid me compliments, so I took advantage of my work Cintiq during my lunch break and drew that.

Also, here's an in-progress version:

Difference in hair aside, I found the pose in this older version boring and too flat. I think by bringing the arms closer together to a half-crossed position and slightly in front of the body, rather than hanging limply at the side, makes a more interesting pose.