Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Beat Board

Lack of updates due to nothing actually being technically "due." Deadlines are now starting to take effect, so here's a beat board.

A "beat board" is a single frame that sums up an entire sequence from the movie. This way, you can look at 12 frames and get the "feel" of the entire movie and story. I was assigned the "comic book" opening sequence. Below is the rough layout I scanned and below that is what I churned out in Flash.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Artificial Environments and Effects Final

For our final assignment we had to break down the movie once more based on the winner's idea (thus, reinterpreting it). For our group, my role was to create the plan view and elevation.

Plan View:


Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Texture assignment

An extension to the "Pallette Swap" assignment. We had to take the three pallette pictures and apply different motifs of textures to them to elicit different moods.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Idea Illustration

For Artificial Environments and Effects, we we were given idea topics to illustrate. I was given "Lust" and "Death." Since we had to get the topic across as easily and as visually digestibly as possible, we were instructed to look at advertisements or guerilla marketing.

See if you can figure out which is which. Should be easy.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Finalized breakdowns

These were all part of my pitch for my take on our senior movie:

Plan view:



Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Preliminary Breakdowns

In Artificial Environments and Effects we're breaking down our senior movie "Ladybug Action Hero's" script. We were assigned to individually break down the action into plan views (bird's eye view) and elevations (profile view). Here are the first versions I created:

Plan view:


Elevation 2:

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Stepped Character Animation

For the next assignment in Artificial Characters, we had to do a character animation that carried a certain "attitude" or "motivation"... generally, some sort of "gimmick" that would make a basic action more interesting/entertaining. For mine, I had my character getting out of a(n invisible) chair that he was stuck/glued to.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

3D Walk Cycle

First assignment for Artificial Characters Workshop: 3D Walk Cycle. We had to take our 2D walk cycles we hand-animated as our final projects from our first semester and use an already-rigged character model and translate the walk cycle into 3D by keying the character to match every frame of our 2D walk cycle as best as we could.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Pirate backgrounds

I volunteered to create the backgrounds for a friend's share of another friend's pet project he was doing for a friend of his own. So, I the first friend in the previously mentioned chain of comrades gave me two sheets of thumbnails, 21 in all, as well as two backgrounds she had created before I opted to take over. I modeled the first two backgrounds I created on hers so I could get the style right (although it was right up my alley anyway).


Hers backgrounds:

My backgrounds:

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Palette swap

Another Artificial Environments and Effects assignment: Palette Swap. We were to take the color palette from three different impressionist paintings and replace a singular landscape's color scheme with the three impressionist's palettes.

However, I misheard/misread the directions and instead used three different landscapes to alter a fourth landscape.

Style switch

Here's the assignment that's clogged up my blog: "Style Switch" we were given this photo:

From that, we had to "stylize" the image into being cartoony, gothic, and impressionistic.

I ran out of time on the gothic image and wasn't able to color it. So, I kept intending to color it before I uploaded it to the log, but I only ended up not uploading anything at all.