Monday, January 29, 2007

Ant model

We had to create a model sheet of a character that we'd then model in Maya. Our teacher recommended that we create bipedal bugs, so I made an anthropromorphic ant.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Ball and Teacup

For Artificial Characters, we had to animate a ball entering the frame and then interacting with a teacup in 3D space using physics as accurate as we could manage.

Wormholes are an accurate depiction of physics, right?

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Instructions and pictograms

The first Artificial Environments & Effects assignment of the year: create a diagram of instructions and two pictograms from a set list of options.

For the diagram, I opted for "How to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich." I wanted to go as aesthetically simple as possible:

Then, for the pictograms, I chose "College" and "Animation."

Sunday, January 14, 2007


First new assignment of my second semenster!

In Visual Development we were given a slip of paper with an animal and an object/action. Mine was "An ant and a ping pong ball." From that we are supposed to create a visual story in 10-15 panels.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

2001: A Photo Composition Oddyssey

This actually preceeded our Shake Tracking Project, but I forgot to upload it.

Photo composition: we had to insert ourselves into a photo from history. However, the teacher also gave us the option of inserting ourselves into stills from movies, which most of us opted to do instead.

Here's the pic I was working with:

Here's the photo I took of myself:

And here's the finished result: