Monday, September 23, 2013

Jaks & Alex

There was more downtime at work so I drew some characters from a webcomic I used to draw.

I used to draw a webcomic named "Jaks Tales," which was about a Star Wars fanboy who ends up in a medieval fantasy universe, specifically the one from my friend Nicholas Killewald's comic, "The Dementia of Magic." On the right is his character, a mage named Alex, and on the left is my character, named Jaks.

The comics are no longer online, which is very sad. I should put them back up somewhere. I had a whole story planned, but I ran out of free time. I'd still like to finish it, maybe just pump out roughs/black and whites, not dissimilar from what I drew.

1 comment:

CaptainSpam said...

Well, the Jaks Tales comics aren't online anymore. Mine still are. :-)