Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Facial Animation

Facial Animation assignment. From the characters we designed for Visual Storytelling, we were to choose one and animate that character going through a change of expression while dubbing it to sound. Originally, I was going to do my hero character. A peer of mine suggested doing the Old Man, but I was against it then. I thought having to animate the follow-through on the jowels would be too much. However, as soon as I drew the single frame for the Hero character, I realized how much more fun it would be to make the Old Man as jowelly as possible.

Sure enough, it was. I'm very happy with how it came out. I did thumbnails as a preview of the animation, then from the thumbnails I did the keys, then shot the keys. Once I viewed the keys, I in-betweened them and then shot those. After some tweaking, I cleaned up the keys and the in-betweens, shot the whole thing, and then synched up the sound using Final Cut Pro.

So far, it was my favorite animation to do. Took the least amount of paper, too! Only 20 frames!

1 comment:

Man Louk said...

nice like shazam!
looks clean