Saturday, January 26, 2013

Freak & Freak Illustrations

In September/October of 2012 I worked freelance for, you guessed it, Sonic Bunny Productions. They were pitching a show idea, "Freak & Freak," to a network and needed illustrations to fill in some gaps in their pitch bible. What I submitted was b&w linework, but I added some tones for this update.

The show would have been a stop-motion animated comedy about a school of circus freaks. Here's what I contributed:

Character Illustrations

Willy, the lizard boy:

Latyr, half-goat, half-boy (and best friend of Willy):

Three-Headed Girls:

Scene Illustrations

Opening illustration:

"The Walkabout" (Willy and Latyr find themselves on a spiritual journey full of hallucinations):

"The Costume Caper" (Willy and Latyr scheme to steal the ringmaster's suit):

"King Miba's New Pet" (Willy and Latyr must rescue their friend, Sherman the Merman, from a ruthless cannibal king):

"Goose is Loose" (an escaped chicken and rabbit interbreed  releasing a horde of hybrid offspring, and it's up to Willy to catch them all):

"Lice Alert!" (The school is hit by a plague of lice, hijinks ensue):

"Barter Stars" (Latyr goes from rags to riches in the barter game, while all Willy wants is his stuffed bear):

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