Friday, January 25, 2013


In 2010 I helped on a show called "Zombie Murder Explosion Die," or ZMED for short (trailer here). It was helmed by animator Jeff Campbell, and produced by Scout Raskin's production company "Sonic Bunny Studios."

I was asked to design props, either from an existing design or from scratch. When I worked from scratch I would compare what I was designing with the character Robbie holding an axe to help keep a consistent style.

^^My muse^^

Chainsaw: One of the first props I designed. As you can see it went through a few revisions. The first one looked too bland, then the second one didn't look trashed enough- since the show was set in a zombie apocalypse, they wanted the props to look "used."

Lighter, Hairspray, Hockey Pucks- Self explanatory. The phrase "Never Knows Rest" is a reference to Fooly Cooly.

Controllers- "Like the PS Move controllers, but with stars instead of balls"

Boom mic and clapper-

Arcade Sign- I was asked to come up with a sign for "Noah's Arcade," and this was my first attempt:

They liked the idea, but they said it wasn't clear. So, this was what I made instead:

Arcade cabinets: Working with a layout that was sent to me, I created arcade cabinets that had to be powered, then slightly damaged, and then really smashed up when a car bursts in from stage right.

Van: Like the arcade above, I worked from an existing design. Because the doors had to open, I had to create a visible interior as well.

And there you have it! It was a real pleasure to work on the project. Last I heard the show has not been picked up yet, but it's still being pitched around.

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