Saturday, March 30, 2013

Monster Girl #3: "Slime Girl"

A return to monster girls! You'd think unemployment would give me plenty of time to draw these, but somehow I lose the days to chores, errands, and other boring grown up stuff. But less talk, more monsters!

#3: Slime Girl

This one was tough, but I think I'm just a little rusty. I'm not satisfied with the transparency effect I was going for, but I've never tried anything like it before. But oh well, onto the next one!

Also, compulsory progress compilation:

1. Harpy
2. Centaur
3. Slime
4. Naga
5. Mermaid
6. Spider Girl
7. Plant Girl
8. Octomaid
9. Demon
10. Succubus
11. True Monster
12. Zombie
13. Insect Girl
14. Dullahan
15. Dragon/Reptile Girl
16. Ghost
17. Robot
18. Alien
19. Cyclops
20. Satyr
21. Canine Girl
22. Feline Girl
23. Yokai
24. Multiple Limbs
25. Favorite Monster Girl
26. Favorite Monster Girl Character
27. A Truly Gruesome Girl
28. A Group of Monster Girls Together
29. A Monster Girl and Her Significant Other
30. Celebrate Monster Girls!

1 comment:

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