Sunday, March 10, 2013

"The Locals" episode 6 write up

In August 2012 my friend Ben asked me to animate for his YouTube show, "The Locals," where they capture audio from TF2 matches, cut it down into a mostly coherent conversation between players, and then hand out sections to animators to bring to life.

I wasn't able to complete it until January 2013- a shameful delay, I know! But, keep in mind I was  working on the LEGO movie at the time, as well as a Sonic Bunny animation, and a side project for an inner-studio Film Festival. But complete it I did, and I'm happy with what came out.

Here's the video:

Here's the bits I animated:

Here's an animation breakdown of that fight sequence:

And here are some Pentagram doodles, doodled tonight to cap off this blog post:


Aaron said...

Dude I love your design. Ha, I love what you did with my dream sequence

chrisp said...

Thanks for saying so! And yeah, that's a crazy dream you had, lol